
Contact Limestone Investments LLC Las Vegas

by | Dec 26, 2018

Contact Limestone Investments, LLC. for superior Realty and Property Management services in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Office and Maintenance: 702-430-7900

Address: 1620 E Sahara, Las Vegas NV 89104

By appointment only. We’re usually out and about in the Las Vegas area, helping our clients!

Barb Eagan

Barb Eagan

Real Estate Agent

(702) 759-9724

Lic# 2593

Art Reyes | Real Estate Agent | Limestone Investments LLC | Las Vegas, Nevada

Jim Eagan


(702)  287-1092

Lic # 100724

Bob Kinniburgh

Bob Kinniburgh

Real Estate Agent

(702) 818-9977

Lic# 64017

Art Reyes | Real Estate Agent | Limestone Investments LLC | Las Vegas, Nevada

Colton Ratliff

Real Estate Agent

(702)  835-3692

Lic #197931

Leah Bromley | Real Estate Agent | Limestone Investments LLC | Las Vegas, Nevada

Liza Wenger


‭(702) 768-5722

Victoria Moran

Vennetta Douglas

Real Estate Agent

(702) 553-9210‬

Lic # 76024

Victoria May

Jorge Gonzalez

Real Estate Agent

(702) 806-4244‬

Lic# 201678

Corrie Morvari

Corrie Morvari


(702) 610-9265‬

Victoria May

Victoria May

Real Estate Agent

(702) 319-1815‬

Lic# 198676

Billy Woodside

Billy Woodside

Maintenance Manager

(661) 471-0422 

A Manual for Property Managers

Property Managers and Brokers:

Learn how to succeed while living a comfortable, balanced life.

Jim Eagan reveals his success secrets in this powerful, quick read — lessons learned during his extensive career as a property manager and broker.

Shorten your learning curve.

Tune up your strategy and practices.

This book is especially for:

  • Business owners
  • Folks who want to manage their own properties
  • Property owners with both large and small operations
  • Investors who want to learn how to build a large portfolio of rental properties

Scalable Concepts

Packed with Actionable Tips and Techniques


Limestone Investments provides comprehensive services to real estate investorsownersrenters, and home buyers. This site contains extensive information on everything from what to invest in, how to maintain properties, real estate sales and rentals. Read about our history here. We are located at 1620 E Sahara and we are by appointment only.