Las Vegas Property Leasing Agent $1K/Week Earnings System

Are you ready to rock?
This system enables you to earn at least $1000 by placing desperate tenants into rentals. There is very little competition in this arena and this is perfect for new agents trying to earn a living in this competitive market. For only $20, these four videos will show you how it’s done. I offer a money back guarantee. You will be making money within 3 weeks and probably even more than $1000 a week once you get the ball rolling.
There are four videos full of content you can use to start making money right away. SAMPLE
Part 1
This first video demonstrates how new agents often do better than experienced agents. We will cover the tools and habits you need to get started. The tools are not expensive and will separate you from the rest of the agents out there. Making a $1000 a week takes effort and is also the reason new agents are often more successful than experienced agents.

Part 2
In this video, I will go over the process for advertising rentals and collecting leads. This daily process of collecting rentals is the volume needed to produce quality prospects. My tips and techniques will get your phone ringing off the hook. You want as many leads as possible so you can select the “Gold Nuggets” to make money.

Part 3
Once we have the volume needed to produce excellent candidates, this video demonstrates how to process them to produce results. I will teach you how to effectively screen out prospects who don’t qualify for a cupcake so you can focus on the promising clients. These promising clients are your future pipeline in the real estate business.

Part 4
In this last video, you will learn how to get your clients prepared to be approved for their rental. This is where all your final efforts generate all the money. By demonstrating a sense of urgency and completing applications on the spot, you will close more deals and make money sooner.

This video is perfect for new agents!
You get four quality videos for only $20!! If these videos don’t make you money, I will refund your money, no questions asked.
In Addition to the $1k/week Video Course…
My book offers proven methods for sustainable active and passive income.
Yep. I actually wrote a book (A Fistful of Properties) on the subject of having a balanced life and how to make a successful career out of property management. You don’t have to be a chain smoking alcoholic to be successful in this business. Providing sound advice to your owners, using successful leasing techniques for placing excellent tenants are just some of the things you will learn when you join Limestone Investments. The real money is buying and selling. Property management creates opportunities for you to get in front of buyers and sellers.
Yet More Success Training and Tips for Property Managers & Property Leasing Agents
Leasing Tips
Short Tips
Continuing Education Classes

Is Personal Mentoring and Guidance as Part of the Limestone Team of Value to You? Let’s See If We’re a Good Fit!
Meet with me for lunch!
You pick location, I will buy. We will probably know within about a half hour if we are good fit.
Note: Perspective property managers must have a current license and property management permit.
Jim Eagan
Broker / Coach / Author
(702) 287-1092
[email protected]